How is military retirement calculated in a divorce?

How is military retirement calculated in a divorce?

Per 10 U.S. Code § 1408(a)(4), a state divorce court is authorized to divide a member’s disposable retired pay, which is the total pay (aka “gross pay”), minus: SBP premiums for the benefit of the former spouse seeking a share of the retirement (common).

Can you keep your military ID after divorce?

An un-remarried former spouse may retain the military ID card if he or she meets the rule. The rule requires at least twenty years of marriage, at least twenty years of military service, and at least twenty years of overlap of the marriage and the military service.

Can I keep USAA after divorce?

Generally, USAA membership is open to active, retired, and separated veterans with a discharge type of “Honorable” from the U.S. military and their eligible family members.

Can I get Bah if my spouse doesn’t live with me?

Your dependents are allowed to move there at government expense. If they don’t move there, that is considered your choice. In such cases, you receive BAH (at the “with dependent” rate) for the amount of your duty station, regardless of where your dependent is actually living.

What rank do you have to be to live off base?

It varies from service-to-service and base-to-base, but in general, you can expect to be allowed to move off base and get paid for it, when you make the pay grade of E-4 (over 4 years of service), or E-5. Typical housing allowances will cover all or a majority of the rent for members qualified for it.

Can your spouse live with you during AIT?

Spouses are not allowed to live with their soldiers during basic training. Visitation during basic training is only allowed for family day and graduation. Advanced Individual Training (AIT) The longer his AIT is, the more likely it is that he will have more freedom.

Do married couples in the military get stationed together?

Each of the services has an assignment program called “Join Spouse.” Basically, under this program, the military will try as hard as it can to station military spouses at the same base or within 100 miles of each other. About 80 percent of military couples are assigned within 100 miles of each other.

Can family come to AIT?

TRAINING STUDENTS Soldiers may move household goods and Family members to the location of any Advanced Individual Training (AIT) course that is 20 weeks or more in length.

What MOS has the shortest AIT?

Patient Administration Specialist (MOS 68G) Summary: Patient Administration Specialist AIT takes place at Fort Sam Houston. It lasts seven weeks making it one of the shortest training periods for a medical-related MOS.

What happens if you fail out of Army AIT?

If your Commander believes you are purposely failing through AIT, then it’s possible you may receive a non-judicial punishment, a court-martial, or a more punitive discharge. If you are very lucky, that could be a general discharge. But more than likely, it would be an Other than Honorable Discharge.

Can you go off base during AIT?

As time progresses through AIT, Soldiers will be granted more privileges including an overnight pass for the weekend. But, Soldiers will be limited to the amount of distance they can travel from the base. Most bases will not allow travel over 50 miles from the base.

Do you keep your phone in AIT?

AIT: Not during the duty day when you’re in class. After duty hours, your phone is all your’s.

Can you go home for Christmas during AIT?

yes you do get to go home for Christmas during AIT. You will get 10 to 14 days of leave. This means you will be able to take less days after your graduate from AIT. If you take leave make sure that you report back in time so you do not get into trouble!

Can you sneak your phone into basic training?

The only thing you are allowed to keep is a watch, if they allow it, your wallet, and any paperwork you brought. These things will be kept locked inside a drawer in your rack. It wouldn’t be hard to sneak a cell phone into boot, but it’s not worth the risk.

Do you get your phone at Fort Sill AIT?

No cell phone use will be permitted during any time Soldiers are involved in a training event. Can Soldier receive an off post pass for the weekend he graduates BCT? Soldiers who have family members that attend BCT graduation and will be staying in the Lawton/Fort Sill area for the weekend may be granted a pass.

Can you get deployed right after AIT?

Some units can deploy immediately after AIT. Other units may not deploy for months later or even over a year later. You are generally provided with notice if you are to deploy immediately after AIT. It is best to be prepared and always consider it a possibility.

Do you go straight to AIT after basic training?

Whether you go right after Basic Combat Training or after your Phase 2 RSP (Recruit Sustainment Program) training, you’ll eventually go to Advanced Individual Training (AIT). In all likelihood, unless you’re in One Station Unit Training (OSUT), your AIT will be at a different post from your BCT.

Where do most 13B get stationed?

Duty Stations

  • Carson, CO.
  • Drum, NY.
  • Hood, TX.
  • Lewis, WA.
  • Polk, LA.
  • Riley, KS.
  • Sill, OK.
  • Stewart, GA.