How much does it cost to change your name back to your maiden name in Florida?

How much does it cost to change your name back to your maiden name in Florida?

Go to the circuit court in your county during normal business hours and submit your filings to a clerk. The clerk will ask you to pay a filing fee for the service. Although the fee will vary depending on your county of residence, expect to pay a filing fee of approximately $200 to $300.

Can I just go back to my maiden name?

Legally you can still be known by your prior name at any time. If you want to revert to your maiden name you should only need to show your marriage and birth certificates which link your current and former names. If your divorce is finalised it’s often easier to show your decree absolute and birth certificate.

Can my baby have 2 last names?

Parents may give their child any name they choose. Traditionally, children born to married parents have the same last name as their father. A child can have the mother’s surname, a hyphenated name made up of both the mother and father’s surnames, or any name the parents choose.