Is Texas Divorce Online legit?

Is Texas Divorce Online legit?

Online divorce is allowed in Texas, though not every Texas court will accept online forms. You may have to file the forms in person. Sites like Complete Case make online divorce quick, cheap and painless. Plus, the process is 100% legitimate.

How much does it cost to file for a divorce in Texas?

When you file for divorce in Texas, you will be required to pay a filing fee of between $250 to $300. If you cannot afford to pay the filing fee, you can complete an Affidavit of Inability of Pay.

Can you divorce your wife if she is mentally ill?

In relation to a divorce application only, a mental health condition is not strictly relevant. If the person you are married to has a mental illness, this does not need to be shown to the court in order for a divorce to proceed.

How do I know if my wife is mentally ill?

Warning Signs of Mental IllnessSleep or appetite changes — Dramatic sleep and appetite changes or decline in personal care.Mood changes — Rapid or dramatic shifts in emotions or depressed feelings.Withdrawal — Recent social withdrawal and loss of interest in activities previously enjoyed.

Is bipolar grounds for divorce?

It is suggested that about 90 percent of marriages where one person is bipolar ends in divorce (Marano, 2003). Persons diagnosed with bipolar disorder appear to be more likely to divorce than those without the disorder (Walid & Zaytseva, 2011).