What are discovery questions in a divorce?

What are discovery questions in a divorce?

The type of discovery include: Interrogatorieswhich are written questions that must be answered under oath. Requests for production of documentsasking that certain documents be provided by you or your spouse. Requests for admissionsasking that certain facts be admitted or denied.

What are the four types of discovery?

The Four Major Types of Discovery Interrogatories. Request for Production of Documents and Things. Depositions. Request to Admit.

What happens if a motion to compel is ignored by defendant?

Motion for Sanctions – If the court issues an order compelling discovery, and the party fails to comply with that order, then the court may sanction the party in numerous ways such as refusing to let in the party’s evidence at trial, dismissing their lawsuit or striking their defense to a lawsuit, and imposing …

What happens when a motion to compel is filed?

When a motion to compel is filed with the court, a hearing is scheduled. At the hearing, the party that filed the motion will need to tell the judge why the other party should be compelled to do something. Once that happens, that party will not be able to use the documents at trial.

What does motion to compel discovery mean?

A motion to compel asks the court to enforce a request for information relevant to a case. The requesting party files a motion to compel discovery responses if the opposing party continues to deny the discovery request.