What do you do with family pictures after divorce?

What do you do with family pictures after divorce?

Pictures can be lost when left behind with the ex. Here’s what you can do to save family photos during a divorce. If it’s your divorce, print out digital pictures before you delete them. Gather up all of the photos around the house, and the wedding albums, and put them in a labeled box or bin.

Is it weird to keep photos of your ex?

It’s different for everyone, but as a general rule, keeping photos of your ex around is not healthy or helpful. Just how bad it is depends on how important these photos are to you, what they mean to you, and why you want to keep them in your life even though the relationship is over.

Should you keep wedding pictures after divorce?

Originally Answered: What do you do with the wedding pictures after the divorce? Save them for the children it is nice for them to see some happy memories. If there are no children do what you feel best. I would keep the pictures somewhere that obviously you don’t see them everyday, but it’s best to keep them.

Do you keep wedding photos after divorce?

Relationship expert, author, and divorce blogger Kimberly Pryor answers: For now, hide the photos and videos where you can’t see them. But don’t throw them away. It’s important to keep them for many reasons.

What do I do with pictures of my ex husband?

Should you get rid of photos and other stuff from your ex?Trash them. Just gather all of it up and throw them out.Pack them up and send it away. My mother offered to keep pictures, cards, etc. Give the gifts away. For those pieces of the past that aren’t photographs, cards and letters, donate them. Sell them.

What do you do with your wedding ring after divorce?

You could save your rings for your children, transform them into other pieces of jewelry, or sell them. However, selling your wedding rings on divorce might be the smartest – and most practical – way to dispose of them.