What happens when one person wants to sell the house?

What happens when one person wants to sell the house?

In this scenario the party who wishes to sell will have to issue Court proceedings to obtain an Order for Sale. The Court will give directions about how the property will be marketed and sold. The directions may include an Order for the party occupying the house to vacate.

Can I sell my house if it’s in joint names?

Joint ownership of a property simply refers to two people who each have a share in their property. Typically, if one person wants to sell the property then both parties need to agree in order for the sale to go ahead without having to involve the Courts.

Can my ex husband sell our house without my signature?

If you own the house as the sole owner and you live in a non-community property state, it’s just your name on the deed. You don’t need your ex-spouse’s signature to sell. In community property states, it’s a good idea to get your ex-wife to sign a quit claim deed even if her name was never on the title.

Can my wife force me to sell the house?

If you and your ex own a home that is in both of your names, they cannot legally force you to sell the house. Usually, spouses trying to force a property sale need to free up the capital so they can find a property of their own. Therefore, this is sometimes an agreeable solution for both parties.

What happens if a joint tenant wants to sell?

For example, if one joint tenant wants to sell the property but the other joint tenant doesn`t want to sell, it is possible to ask for a court order to either physically divide the property or sell it and divide the sales proceeds among the joint tenant owners.

Can a mother and son have a joint tenancy?

Here are some of the options: Joint Ownership. If mom, daughter, and (perhaps) son-in-law own the house as joint tenants with right of survivorship, when mom passes away the house will go to the other owners without going through probate.

Can a joint tenant sell his interest?

Since the joint tenants have equal interest, the property cannot be sold without all parties’ consent. Instead of selling, a joint tenant can choose to transfer their interest to another party. When interest is transferred, the new party may not enter the joint tenancy.