What is a wife entitled to in a divorce in Ohio?

What is a wife entitled to in a divorce in Ohio?

The court presumes that the spouses contribute equally to all the marital property they acquire during the marriage. At divorce, the court divides the marital property equally between the spouses unless an unbalanced result is more equitable. The court can include either spouse’s separate property, too. (Ohio Rev.

How many years do you have to be married to get half of pension?

If you go for the delayed retirement, the same rules apply: you must be 62 and married for 1 year if you’re currently married, or age 62 and the marriage lasted at least 10 years if you’re an ex-spouse.

What is the best age for a child to go through a divorce?

” According to Terry, who was 3 when her parents separated, ”The worst age for divorce is between 6 and 10; the best is between 1 and 2. ” The younger children do not feel responsible for their parents’ divorce and are consciously aware of the advantage of being younger when it happened, Dr.