What is the lowest amount of child support in Texas?

What is the lowest amount of child support in Texas?

If the parent was a full-time student at the time of the child support order, the court may turn to the formula for child support based on minimum wage and a 40-hour workweek. The current minimum wage in Texas is $7.25 per hour.

Does marriage affect child support in Texas?

A New Spouse’s Income Won’t Affect Child Support in Texas The Texas Family Code makes it clear that courts shouldn’t consider a new spouse’s income in calculating child support. If that decreases the amount you have to spend, you’ll have more money available to support your children.

Does Child Support take into account spouse’s income?

Generally, a new spouse’s income will not be used in child support calculations. Child support is the obligation of the parents themselves. In determining the non-custodial parent’s potential child support obligation to the current spouse, the court will likely take the new spouses income into account.

How often can you change child support in Texas?

every three years