What paperwork do I need to keep and for how long?

What paperwork do I need to keep and for how long?

You should always keep papers, like your birth certificate or other documents that prove your identity. Certain identification documents like passports and licences expire. You can dispose of these of once you have replaced them.

Is it safe to throw away bank statements?

You may be ready to throw them out, but you’re not sure how. Is it safe to throw away old bank statements, or do you need to shred them first? According to the Federal Trade Commission, you should shred documents containing sensitive information, including bank statements, to protect yourself from identity theft.

Should I shred utility bills?

Most experts suggest that you can shred many other documents sooner than seven years. After paying credit card or utility bills, shred them immediately. After one year, shred bank statements, pay stubs, and medical bills (unless you have an unresolved insurance dispute).

What should you not shred?

Be sure to lock up any important documents that you don’t shred, including birth and death certificates, adoption papers, marriage and divorce papers, citizenship papers, Social Security cards, tax-related documents, deeds and titles, and financial statements.

Why is shredding not a good idea?

Paper shredders increase security risks. You shred your documents to prevent identity theft and maintain the confidentiality of your information. But your paper shredding machine doesn’t offer the most secure method for completely destroying confidential information.