What records should be kept?

What records should be kept?

How long should you keep documents?Store permanently: tax returns, major financial records. Store 3–7 years: supporting tax documentation. Store 1 year: regular statements, pay stubs. Keep for 1 month: utility bills, deposits and withdrawal records. Safeguard your information. Guard your financial accounts.

What are the principles of record keeping?

The 8 Principles are: Accountability, Transparency, Integrity, Protection, Compliance, Accessibility, Retention and Disposition. These are the “Principles” of good management of Records. ISO 15489: Records management is a globally recognized requirement.

How do you maintain and store documentation?

Maintaining Documentation in an Aged Care Environment – It Doesn’t Need to be HardIdentify what documents are needed. Determine who is responsible for obtaining information. Ensure that all documentation complies. Establish a document control process. Establish review timelines.