Why do divorce cases take so long?

Why do divorce cases take so long?

Contested Divorces Take Longer Than Uncontesed Divorces If you and your spouse disagree on any of your divorce issues, your case will take longer to conclude. If you and your spouse agree on all issues, you have an “uncontested” divorce, which shouldn’t take very long to complete.

How can I speed up divorce?

Speeding it UpWaive Mandatory Waiting Period. In some states, couples may petition the court to have the waiting period waived. Act Early. Preparation is a key way to speeding up the divorce process. Cooperate. Cooperating with your spouse and also go a long way towards speeding up the process. Pursue Mediation.

What to do if your divorce is taking too long?

What to do if Your Divorce is Taking too LongSteps You Can Take to Speed up Your Divorce. While an experienced lawyer can help to significantly shorten the divorce process, he or she cannot do it alone. Stay Organized. Be Patient. Be the Responsible Parent. Avoid New Romantic Relationships. Consult a Lawyer.

How long should you wait for boyfriend to get divorced?

It just really depends on what you intentions are for the relationship. However, if you want to move on, I recommend NO CONTACT for at least eight weeks (because staying in contact just reopens wounds, perpetuates attachment, and makes it extremely difficult to move on).