Why does family court take so long?

Why does family court take so long?

In the Family Court in Sydney, the average waiting period until your trial date is over 18 months, with some parties facing delays that stretch into years. If your matter involves a lot of conflict and argument over every detail, this can take even longer as each directions hearing adds a delay of three to six months.

How do I prepare for a temporary custody hearing?

Below are some of the ways you should prepare for the temporary custody hearing:Write a detailed history about your marital relationship, which should include dates and facts that support your case.Do not forget to pick the pictures, videos and other visual aids that you will present before the court as evidence.

What can I expect at my first custody hearing?

What will happen at the hearing? At the initial custody hearing, both parents will have to testify in front of the judge about their custody proposals. The judge may ask you specific questions to help better her understanding of your case, and/or to help her decide the best interests of your child.