Why is fornication a sin against the body?

Why is fornication a sin against the body?

But fornication, involving as it does a community of life, is a sin against the body itself, because incompatible, as the Apostle had just taught, with the design of its creation, and with its immortal destiny.”

What does fornication really mean in the Bible?

What does the Bible implicitly warn on fornication? Defined as the sin of pre-marital sex, fornication includes all cohabitation outside the bonds of marriage. Another definition takes it as the sexual intercourse involved in prostitution, while a broader sense includes all forms of adultery.

Does incest cause birth defects?

Overview. Offspring of biologically related persons are subject to the possible effects of inbreeding, such as congenital birth defects. The chances of such disorders are increased when the biological parents are more closely related.

Are we all inbred?

Since we are all humans and all share a common ancestor somewhere down the line, we all have some degree of inbreeding. Some research shows that the whole human race was down to a few thousand people around 70,000 years ago. With such a small group, there was definitely a lot of inbreeding going on.