Why is it a bad idea to represent yourself in court?

Why is it a bad idea to represent yourself in court?

Persons representing themselves tend to get nervous and become defensive under pressure. Instead of attacking the evidence, you may resort to making emotional arguments and reduce your effectiveness. Throwing yourself on the mercy of the court is not a substitute for a legal defense or a good trial strategy.

How do you address a female judge in court?

Lord [or Lady] Justice Lovaduck.” You start the letter “Dear Lord/Lady Justice,” or simply “Dear Judge.” You address these as “My Lord” or “My Lady”.

What do u call a female judge?

Judges of the Court of Appeal and Supreme Court are addressed as My Lord, or My Lady, or Your Lordship, or Your Ladyship, depending on the grammatical context. Masters and registrars of the Supreme Court are addressed as Your Honour. Provincial Court judges are also called Your Honour.

Why do lawyers say Your Honor?

“Your Honor”is the proper way to address a judge in court. Therefore, judge of a court is saluted as honorable judge. Hence in oral representation a judge is addressed as “Your honor” giving due respect to his or her statutory authority.