How do you prove your spouse is an unfit parent?

How do you prove your spouse is an unfit parent?

How Does a Family Court Determine If a Parent Is Unfit?A history of child abuse. A history of substance abuse. A history of domestic violence. The parent’s ability to make age-appropriate decisions for a child. The parent’s ability to communicate with a child. Psychiatric concerns. The parent’s living conditions. The child’s opinion.

How do you prove a parent unfit in Utah?

A parent is deemed to be incompetent or unfit if:They are suffering from a mental condition that renders them incapable of attending to a child’s current and future physical and emotional needs.They are alcoholics or drug addicts.They have a history of exhibiting violent behavior.

How do I file for full custody in Utah?

Every child custody case begins with a petition that is filed with the Court. For married parents a “Petition for Divorce” will be filed and for unmarried parents a “Petition for Paternity” or a “Petition for Custody, Visitation, and Support” will be filed.