How much does divorce cost in NH?

How much does divorce cost in NH?

Uncontested divorces in NH can range from as little as $500 to over $2,000.

Is there alimony in NH?

On Janu, New Hampshire’s new alimony laws went into effect. Alimony refers to court-ordered payments awarded to a former spouse as part of a divorce agreement. New Hampshire courts often award alimony to the spouse who made a lower income or no income at all.

How is alimony calculated in NH?

Under the new system, the amount of alimony is set at up to 30% of the difference between the ex-spouse’s incomes, though there are a number of factors that affect the calculation. The payments can last for up to half of the length of the marriage, or until the payor reaches retirement age.

What is alimony in NH?

New Hampshire law defines alimony as one or more payments made to, or for the benefit of, a spouse or former spouse. In plain English, alimony is a monetary payment that one spouse gives the other during a divorce and/or for a period after. This can be arranged by an agreement between the spouses and/or a court order.

What does joint petition mean in divorce?

A joint petition is where both spouses can mutually agree to the dissolution of their marriage. It begins with both spouses reaching a consensus regarding the terms and conditions of the divorce. The solicitor will then submit a divorce petition in Court.