Is NJ A 50/50 State for divorce?

Is NJ A 50/50 State for divorce?

It is important, in matters of divorce, to understand the difference between “equal” and “equitable.” While some states allow for a strict 50/50 (equal) division of property in a divorce, New Jersey is an equitable division state.

How long does a no fault divorce take in NJ?

While exceptions can be made for complex cases, the majority of New Jersey divorces will be complete in less than twelve months. In fact, when both parties agree to a no-fault fault divorce in New Jersey, the process can be as short as one and a half months from start to finish.

Do I need a lawyer to get a divorce in NJ?

In New Jersey, an uncontested divorce can be filed without an Attorney. Filing for an uncontested divorce in New Jersey and obtaining a final judgment of divorce is much simpler, less expensive and less stressful than filing for a contested divorce, because a contested divorce requires a trial before a judge.

Can you date while separated in NJ?

Dating Before, During and After Divorce – Potential Impact on Divorce or Custody. The very nature of a divorce or separation is that the parties are ending their life together and moving on. Dating while you are still married is adultery under New Jersey law, which is one of the grounds for divorce available.