What does bifurcate mean in a divorce?

What does bifurcate mean in a divorce?

California allows what is called a bifurcated divorce, which grants the dissolution of a marriage before all of the other aspects of a divorce are finalized. In order to move forward with a divorce more quickly and avoid slow divorce proceedings, a couple may agree to apply for bifurcation.

What is a bifurcated judgment?

Bifurcation is a judge’s ability in law to divide a trial into two parts so as to render a judgment on a set of legal issues without looking at all aspects. Frequently, civil cases are bifurcated into separate liability and damages proceedings.

What is bifurcation of marital status?

Bifurcation is a fancy word that basically means to divide something into parts. In the world of family law, it means to separate the parties’ marital status from all other issues. The court can grant your divorce and reserve its right to later decide all other issues. This is called a “status-only judgment.”

What does bifurcated mean in legal terms?

Bifurcation is the splitting of a case into two separate trials. Generally, a civil lawsuit can be naturally divided into two major issues for a trier of fact, such as a judge or a jury, to decide: liability and damages. In a bifurcated case, the issues of liability and damages are decided separately.

What’s a bifurcation?

Bifurcation is the act of splitting something into two branches, or an example of a situation where something splits or there is a fork. Bifurcation is based on the verb bifurcate, which means to divide or fork into two branches.

What is bifurcated nature?

: divided into two branches or parts This near-earth asteroid appears as a bifurcated structure, consisting of two distinct lobes that seem to be in contact.—

What is trifurcation?

Medical Definition of trifurcation : division into three branches trifurcation of a blood vessel.

What is trifurcation and bifurcation?

is that trifurcation is a division into three branches while bifurcation is (biology) a division into two branches.

What does the word insidious mean?

intended to entrap or beguile: an insidious plan. stealthily treacherous or deceitful: an insidious enemy. operating or proceeding in an inconspicuous or seemingly harmless way but actually with grave effect: an insidious disease.

What is a sneaky?

English Language Learners Definition of sneaky : behaving in a secret and usually dishonest manner. : done in a secret and dishonest manner. See the full definition for sneaky in the English Language Learners Dictionary. sneaky. adjective.

What does Machiavellian mean?

characterized by subtle or unscrupulous cunning, deception, expediency, or dishonesty: He resorted to Machiavellian tactics in order to get ahead.

What is the difference between insidious and pernicious?

Insidious suggests a lying in wait or a gradualness of effect or approach and applies especially to devious and carefully masked underhandedness. Pernicious is more often applied to things that harm exceedingly or irrepairably by evil or by insidious corrupting.

What is the opposite of diatribe?

Antonyms of DIATRIBE compliment, recommendation, sanction, tribute, praise, ovation, blessing.

What is the best synonym for ubiquitous?

Synonyms for ubiquitouseverywhere.omnipresent.pervasive.universal.all-over.ubiquitary.wall-to-wall.

What is a pernicious person?

Pernicious means hurtful. It can be associated with a person being sneaky, passive aggressive, destructive, cunning, wicked, malevolent, or undermining. A person telling little lies about you to cause others to hate you and reject you would be a good description of a pernicious person.

Does pernicious anemia shorten your life?

Currently, early recognition and treatment of pernicious anemia provide a normal, and usually uncomplicated, lifespan. Delayed treatment permits progression of the anemia and neurologic complications. If patients are not treated early in the disease, neurological complications can become permanent.

What is egregious behavior?

1) conduct giving rise to enhanced damages is “egregious” conduct, defined to include “willful, wanton, malicious, bad-faith, deliberate, consciously wrongful” or “flagrant” behavior – “garden variety” infringement, however, is not enough to warrant a finding.

Is pernicious anemia serious?

Pernicious anemia can cause permanent damage to nerves and other organs if it goes on for a long time without being treated. It also raises the risk for developing stomach cancer. Common signs and symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency, seen in pernicious anemia are: Feeling tired and weak.