What if wife wants divorce and husband does not?

What if wife wants divorce and husband does not?

If the wife’s allegations are proved, the court would award a divorce, even if the husband does not wish to divorce. If the allegations are found unsubstantiated, the court will dismiss the divorce petition. So, the answer is, the husband has to disprove the allegations made against him to avoid the divorce.

Can you live with someone while going through a divorce?

If you live with someone during the divorce, the court can consider that as a factor in the property division. Living with someone and sharing expenses places you in a better financial position compared to the position you would be in if you were living alone and having to pay all of your own expenses.

Can alimony be avoided?

The best way to get out of making alimony payments is to avoid the need to make them in the first place. Many couples that seek to marry opt to protect themselves by drafting up a prenuptial agreement before the marriage is made legal. If you did not think to do this prior to getting married, do not worry.

What can I do if my ex husband doesn’t pay alimony?

Hire an alimony attorney or file a claim on your own with the appropriate legal paperwork. Contact your local court or go online to locate the right documents. Ask a judge to order your spouse to make the payments and keep up with payments in the future. The courts call this a motion for contempt or enforcement.