What is a 2nd degree felony in Utah?

What is a 2nd degree felony in Utah?

Felonies of the Second Degree A second degree felony conviction can result in an indefinite prison term of one to 15 years, and a fine of up to $10,000. Theft of property or services worth $5,000 or more is an example of a second degree felony in Utah. (Utah Code Ann. ยงยง 76-3-203, 76-3-301 (2019).)

What is considered harassment in Utah?

Harassment. 76-5-106. Harassment. A person is guilty of harassment if, with intent to frighten or harass another, he communicates a written or recorded threat to commit any violent felony.

What are the 3 types of harassment?

Some of the different types of discriminatory harassment will be described in more detail below.Harassment based on race. Harassment based on gender. Harassment based on religion. Harassment based on disability. Harassment based on sexual orientation. Age-related harassment. Sexual harassment. Quid pro quo sexual harassment.

What are some examples of harassment?

Examples of harassment in the workplace include derogatory jokes, racial slurs, personal insults, and expressions of disgust or intolerance toward a particular race. Abuse may range from mocking a worker’s accent to psychologically intimidating employees by making threats or displaying discriminatory symbols.