Why would a mom lose custody?

Why would a mom lose custody?

If a mother, or a father, is determined to be unfit, they will lose custody of their child. More specifically, a parent may be deemed unfit if he or she has been abusive, neglectful, or failed to provide proper care for the child. …

What if your girlfriend kissed another guy?

Find someone who loves and respects a relationship. It’s okay to forgive her if you think it was a genuine mistake, but if it happens again definitely dump her. Tell her to choose between the two of you and if she chooses you, stop talking to the guy she kissed completely. Find someone else to fall in love with.

What should I do if my girlfriend kissed another guy while drunk?

You can simply see it as a once in a lifetime mistake she made due to getting a bit too drunk and then laugh it off as nothing to worry about. However, if your gut instinct is telling you that she willingly kissed him and would probably do it again, then the best approach is to break up with her, but only temporarily.

Is it bad to kiss another girl while in a relationship?

First, kissing another girl with compassion is fine. Don’t bother if she one girl gets hurt if you reject her. Because it is more worse if she gets to know that you are in love with another girl while you are already in a relationship with her.