Can a final divorce decree be appealed in Texas?

Can a final divorce decree be appealed in Texas?

Appeals in Texas must be filed within 30 days of the final divorce decree and in a specific format outlining the appellant’s view of the case and why a mistake was made. If you file a motion for new trial, you can extend out the courts power and your dead line to appeal 90 days from the judgment having been signed.

Can I refuse to give my child back?

They may either refuse to allow the child to spend time with the other parent, or even refuse any or all contact with the other parent. Often, parents have agreed to a parenting plan. If a child is not returned and there is an order in place, it becomes a legal issue.

Can my ex refuses to bring my child back?

Court Orders If you can’t speak to the other parent or they refuse to discuss returning the children you can apply to the Court for a Recovery Order. A Recovery Order is an order from the Court which allows Federal and State Police to return the children to you.

Can a 12 year old choose to live with a grandparent?

If the child is at least 12 years old, he or she may choose who takes custody. Conditions for grandparent visitation rights include determination of whether one of the child’s parents is deceased, or a parent has had his or her parental rights terminated.

How do I regain custody from my grandparents?

A child’s birth parent will need to petition the court if they want to regain custody. If it is shown that the parent’s circumstances have changed for the better and they are able to provide proper care of the child, then the court may decide to reinstate the parent’s custody.