Does a divorce have to cost money?

Does a divorce have to cost money?

When filing an Application for Divorce, the Court charges a filing fee, which is currently $930. In certain circumstances, you may be eligible for a reduction of this filing fee to $280.

What is the process of dissolution of marriage?

A dissolution of marriage is Connecticut’s legal term for a divorce. It happens when two people have been legally married, and one or both of them goes through the court process to have the marriage ended.

Can I get a dissolution of marriage without an attorney?

Applying for a dissolution is relatively simple, and you don’t need a lawyer. Making a joint application together is the simpler and faster way – it can usually be dealt with by the Family Court Registrar without a hearing and without you having to go in to the court at all.

How is dissolution different from divorce?

The primary difference between divorce and dissolution is whether or not the parties are alleging fault of the other spouse as the grounds for the divorce. On the other hand, a dissolution can be thought of as a no-fault divorce. Fault grounds are not required for a dissolution.

Why get a legal separation instead of a divorce?

Legal separation can allow the parties to go on with their lives separately without violating their religious beliefs. Some people may be able to stay on their spouse’s health insurance plan if they are legally separated instead of divorced. There also may be other financial benefits to legal separation over divorce.

Why do separated couples stay married?

Taxes are one reason this couple stays legally married. “The main reasons for this are practical — tax considerations, autonomy with parenting decisions — since there is no court involved in custody decisions,” she told Insider. Then there’s what she called “the ever-practical reason.”

What’s the point of legal separation?

Marital status: Legal separation allows you to retain your marital status, meaning that you’re not free to marry another; once you’re divorced, you can remarry.