How can I get a free divorce in NC?

How can I get a free divorce in NC?

If you cannot afford the fees for filing your Complaint for Divorce, you can ask the Court to let you file for free. In order to make that request, you must file a Petition to Proceed as an Indigent. If approved, you will not have to pay the filing fee to the Clerk or service of process fee to the sheriff.

Can we use 1 lawyer for divorce?

This conflict of interests means, if there is any possibility the lawyer’s responsibility to a client would be limited by taking on another client, the attorney can only represent one. In a divorce where the parties do not agree from the beginning, each hires his or her lawyer.

Is it best to get a lawyer for divorce?

If you and your spouse agree on all the terms of your divorce, you can file for an uncontested divorce without the help of a lawyer. However, it is always advisable to at least have a lawyer look through your agreement in an uncontested divorce to make sure that your rights and interests are protected.