How do you get certified copies?

How do you get certified copies?

Certified copies can be obtained by presenting the original document together with a photocopy of that document to an authorised person for them to sight and certify. The authorised person will compare the copy to the original, then sign and date the copy to confirm that it is a true copy of the original.

Is a ripped birth certificate still valid?

Yes, a ripped birth certificate is still valid. You may want to consider ordering another one and possibly getting it laminated so it doesn’t happen again.

What documents are needed for passport renewal?

What you’ll need to provideForm DS-11.Proof of U.S. citizenship (such as a birth or naturalization certificate)Government-issued photo ID (such as a driver’s license or military ID)Color passport photo.Fee payment (check or money order)

Do you always need a countersignature for passport renewal?

You’ll need to get someone else to sign your application form and passport photo if you need the following: First adult passport; First child passport; Renewal of a passport if your appearance has changed and you can’t be recognised from your existing passport.

Can I sign a passport if I have a degree?

No idea but anyone with a degree from a British university can now sign a passport.

Can anyone sign my provisional?

DVLA will contact the person who signs your application. You do not need someone to sign your photo if you’ve agreed to have DVLA check your identity by: contacting HM Passport Office. providing an up to date passport, travel document or BRP.