How does alimony work in West Virginia?

How does alimony work in West Virginia?

Married couples in West Virginia can ask the court to award alimony in any divorce or legal separation, according to West Virginia Code section 48-8-101. The court may require either party to pay spousal support. The West Virginia courts DO consider the marital misconduct of spouses in awarding alimony.

Can adultery affect child custody in West Virginia?

A.B., 161 W.Va 332, 242 S.E. 2d 248 (1978), that infidelity or sexual misconduct is not to be considered as evidence of unfitness of the parent for child custody unless the conduct was so egregious or aggravated as to adversely affect the best interests or welfare of the child.

At what age can a child choose which parent to live with in WV?

West Virginia custody laws generally consider the preferences of children 14 and older to be well-reasoned and sufficiently mature. Children younger than 14 can have their preferences heard as well, but it will be up to a judge to decide how much weight to give a younger child’s preference.