How does discovery work in a divorce?

How does discovery work in a divorce?

What is the discovery phase of a divorce? By definition, discovery is part of the pre-trial phase of a divorce in which each side obtains evidence and information from the other side. Discovery can include interrogatories, requests for production of documents, requests for admissions, depositions and subpoenas.

What is the purpose of interrogatories in a divorce case?

Interrogatories are part of the discovery process of divorce. They allow you and your soon-to-be/already ex spouse to ask questions that must be responded to in writing under oath. These answer are then used to determine facts in the case, as well as to question each side if/when the case goes to trial.

What should I ask for in a divorce discovery?

The type of discovery include: Interrogatorieswhich are written questions that must be answered under oath. Requests for production of documentsasking that certain documents be provided by you or your spouse. Requests for admissionsasking that certain facts be admitted or denied.