How long do divorce depositions take?

How long do divorce depositions take?

Both attorneys can ask questions, although your attorney won’t ask questions unless it’s necessary to clarify a problematic answer. Divorce depositions usually last between two and eight hours, but in some cases, may continue over the course of several days (consecutive or spread out over time).

What happens at a disposition?

A deposition is nothing more than a question and answer session where the opposing counsel asks you questions to learn about your case. A court reporter records your testimony with a stenography machine, and then creates a written transcript to be used at trial.

What comes first mediation or deposition?

Before a mediation, like a trial, the plaintiff must have had his/her deposition taken, the defendant’s deposition and key witness depositions must have been taken as necessary, and the appropriate defense medical examination must have been completed.

How long does it take to get a deposition transcript?

When an attorney takes a deposition, the average time it takes a court reporter to finish a transcript and deliver it can be 10 days to two weeks.