What is the difference between mediation and collaborative divorce?

What is the difference between mediation and collaborative divorce?

In a collaborative divorce, each spouse is represented by a collaborative divorce attorney. On the other hand, the mediation process is facilitated by an unbiased third-party mediator who will not advocate for either party. If the collaborative divorce process fails, both attorneys must withdraw from the case.

What happens in divorce arbitration?

In Divorce Arbitration, the divorcing couple and their respective attorneys choose and agree upon an Arbitrator. The Arbitrator is then presented with the specific issues preventing resolution. After a hearing, the Arbitrator renders a decision, called an award, on the specific disputed issues.

What are the pros and cons of mediation?

AdvantagesMediation is More Cost-Effective than Court. Mediation Can Save You Time. Mediation is Private & Confidential. Looser Evidence Rules. Mediation Can End Amicably. There are No Guarantees. You Might Want to go Public. Mediation Requires Cooperation.