What should I bring to a divorce lawyer consultation?

What should I bring to a divorce lawyer consultation?

If you’re planning on starting a divorce proceeding, you’ll definitely need to bring:your original certificate of marriage (the ugly brown government document, not the flowery document you might have received from whomever performed the marriage), and.a photograph of your spouse.

What not to do when going through a divorce?

40…… make that 41 things NOT to do during your divorceHide things from your attorney. Dispose of assets you know your spouse is going to request. Fail to keep a copy of all communications with your soon to be ex-spouse. Incur debt in your spouse’s name. Make comments in front of your children about your spouse. Use drugs or excessive alcohol.

Why you should never argue with a narcissist?

There will be no mature fighting or resolution if you are arguing with a toxic or narcissistic individual. You will be unable to have a calm and mature argument with them. They will often become extremely upset and aggressive. More times than not the conversation will shift to nonsensical rants.

What should you not say to a narcissist?

Here are 10 “don’ts” for dealing with narcissists:Don’t give them ammunition.Don’t take them at face value.Don’t try to justify or explain yourself.Don’t minimize their outrageous behavior.Don’t expect them to own their part.Don’t try to beat them at their own game.Don’t expect loyalty.

Do narcissists play the victim?

Why the narcissist takes on the victim role Given that narcissists curate the personae they present to the world, tend to be self-aggrandizing and conscious of material success, and care a great deal about what other people think, playing the role of the victim seems somehow counterintuitive.

What drives a narcissist crazy?

The thing that drives a narcissist crazy is the lack of control and the lack of a fight. The less you fight back, the less power you can give them over you, the better,” she says. And because they never think they’re wrong, they never apologize.