How do I look up court cases in DC?

How do I look up court cases in DC?

To find information on a case, check the online case search system (eAccess) to find and view information on a criminal case. The eAccess system provides a summary, the parties, and the next scheduled hearing.

How long does it take to get divorced in DC?

30 to 90 days

How does adultery affect divorce in Washington State?

Adultery has no bearing on a divorce in Washington State. Cheating doesn’t matter because Washington State is a “no-fault” state, which means that either party can file for divorce without providing proof of a particular cause, such as adultery.

Can I file for divorce online in Washington state?

Washington Divorce Online allows you to complete your official Washington State Petition for Dissolution (Divorce) of Marriage online. You may then print and file your divorce petition with the court. In most cases you can choose to complete your divorce without a court appearance.

Is Washington Divorce Online legitimate?

Online divorce is ideal for those interested in a do-it-yourself divorce, where both parties in the marriage are in agreement on the divorce. Online divorce is perfect for people who want a quick, painless way to divorce that is recognized as legitimate by the state of Washington.

Is online divorce a good idea?

Online divorces are certainly legal, though they are not always recommended, especially if you and your spouse are facing a contentious divorce. If you and your spouse cannot agree on all major issues, then it’s best that you involve an attorney.

How long should you keep divorce papers?

Most experts say that it is best to always keep legal documents forever. A birth certificate is one such document. And for those who wonder how long to keep divorce papers, it is highly recommended that you keep them on hand forever, as well.

How does divorce work in Washington state?

Washington is a no-fault state meaning that it is unnecessary to prove to the court which spouse caused the divorce. To begin your Washington divorce action, you or your attorney must complete and file a petition for dissolution of marriage.

How is alimony calculated in WA state?

As a general rule of thumb, courts in Washington State award one year of alimony for every three or four years of marriage. There is no statute or case law explicitly stating this formula, but it is an oft mentioned rule and generally what courts can be expected to do.

Is cheating illegal in Washington?

In the state of Washington, the law does not recognize infidelity as “grounds” for divorce. Instead, Washington is considered a no-fault divorce state. This means that a spouse does not have to provide any specific reasons for divorcing their partner.

How long after divorce can you remarry in Washington state?

The “ninety day” clock begins running after the Petition for Dissolution of Marriage is filed and then served on the non-filing spouse.

Can you remarry the same person after divorce?

Many people who divorce later come to realize they made a mistake. Nevertheless, divorced couples can – and do – find ways to not only repair their damaged relationship, but to re-marry. I’ve worked with scores of people who have re-married the person they divorced, and believe any divorcee can do the same.

What happens if you remarry before your divorce is final?

Please note that it is illegal to remarry before your divorce becomes final. This is usually one month and one day after your divorce is granted in court. To marry a third party before your divorce becomes final is classed as bigamy and your subsequent marriage will not be legal.