Can I move out of state during a divorce?

Can I move out of state during a divorce?

In California, at least one party must be a resident of the state and county where the divorce is filed. If you move out of state before the divorce is filed or while the case is pending, you can still handle the case in a California court if your spouse continues to meet the residency requirements.

What happens if I can’t afford alimony?

If an agreement cannot be reached, then the only option may be to proceed with a post-judgment modification action in the Family Law Court. In many states, this will require filing a post-judgment Motion or Request for Order with the Court. A copy of the motion will need to be served to the opposing party.

What happens to alimony if I quit my job?

A job loss can sometimes reduce your spousal support obligations depending upon the circumstances. If the recipient spouse is not in agreement that the job loss should reduce spousal support, then you must convince the court that a change is reasonable in light of your current financial circumstances.

What happens if you lose your job during a divorce?

If a job was lost due to poor behaviour, or if a person quits a job amidst a divorce, the court may hold them accountable to the same amount of money they were making prior. However, if the job loss was due to layoffs, they may be more lenient.