Can you take someone to court without address?

Can you take someone to court without address?

One of the most common enquiries we get on a day-to-day basis is how to serve court documents without an address in which to serve them to. A court may attempt service of process via 1st class post to the last known address of the person being served.

Can you sue someone with just their phone number?

Can you sue someone with just their phone number? No,. You use various search engines to figure out who the carrier is, then file a small claims court case with the defendants being their telephone number, or the alias name they’re using.

Is putting someone’s phone number on the Internet illegal?

Providing a third party another’s phone number is not illegal in the US. Although “white pages” phone directories have pretty much disappeared, telephone numbers are public unless one pay their Telco for a private, that is nonpublished telephone number. Reverse phone lookup is both free and paid.

How do you find out if someone is trying to sue you?

Here’s how to find out if someone is suing you.

  1. Contact Your County Clerk’s Office. Your County Clerk’s office should be the first place you stop if you believe you are being sued.
  2. Try Going Directly to the Court.
  3. Try Searching For Information Online.
  4. Check PACER.

What happens if they can’t serve you papers?

A Simple Answer to “What Happens if a Process Server Can’t Serve You?” The simple answer to your question is that the court continues without you. Evidence is brought forth without a rebuttal or defense from you and a judgment is issued.

How do you know if you’re being served?

Several days before the summons Return Date, contact the Clerk’s Office, the Sheriff’s Office or other person authorized to serve process (licensed detective) to determine if your complaint and summons were delivered/served on the defendant(s).

What kind of papers can be served?

In addition to serving these papers, the following can also be served: Civil summons, civil complaint, forcible detainer action, eviction, garnishments, orders of protection, injunctions prohibiting harassment, petitions for supplemental proceedings, child support, divorce papers, and collection letters.

Can debt collectors serve you papers?

The creditor or collection agency (or lawyer) must “serve” you with a copy of the complaint, along with a “summons.” The summons notifies you that you are being sued, and usually provides additional information such as when you need to file a formal response in court.

How can you prove someone owes you money?

Once a payment is overdue you will have hopefully contacted the person or company to chase the debt. Emails, letters, texts or messages exchanged on social media (Facebook, Twitter etc.) can all be used to help prove a debt is owed and overdue.

Can someone harass you if you owe them money?

Debt collectors cannot harass or abuse you. They cannot swear, threaten to illegally harm you or your property, threaten you with illegal actions, or falsely threaten you with actions they do not intend to take. You also have the right to ask a debt collector to stop contacting you entirely.