How do I get married in Spokane WA?

How do I get married in Spokane WA?

You qualify to receive a marriage license in Spokane, Washington as long as you and the person that you are marrying are both single and at least 18 years of age. You both must present photo I.D. such as a driver’s license at the Spokane County Auditor’s office.

Can unmarried couples be on the same health insurance?

No. Typically, you will be able to get couples health insurance if you are married, in a de facto relationship or in a registered relationship.

Can I add my boyfriend to my insurance?

Non-Married Couples and Shared Health Insurance A marriage is a legally binding union between two people. Therefore, you cannot add your boyfriend or girlfriend to your policy; but, there is an option available that would allow your partner to be covered by your health insurance.

Can my boyfriend be on my medical insurance?

Unmarried couples often cannot get employer-paid health insurance coverage for their partner. Some cities and states are offering domestic partner benefits to their employees, and more and more private employers are doing the same. A majority of the country’s largest corporations offer domestic partner benefits.

Can I add my girlfriend to my health insurance in NJ?

Yes, the Domestic Partnership Act allows local employers to require the employee to pay for the coverage of his or her domestic partner. In other words, If an employee wants his partner to be covered, he may have to pay for that coverage. 10. Does the Act only apply to insurance carriers domiciled in New Jersey?