How long do you have to be married to get half of his military retirement?

How long do you have to be married to get half of his military retirement?

10 years

Do you still get Bah after divorce?

If you are getting a divorce, you can still receive BAH in most cases. However, a divorce may impact the amount of BAH you receive, and in some instances, may terminate your BAH altogether.

Does my wife get Bah while I’m at basic?

If you are married and living with your spouse or minor dependents, you will either live in on-base housing or be given a monetary allowance called Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH) to live off-base. The amount of BAH depends on your duty station zip code, your rank, and whether or not you have dependents.

Can Navy legal help with a divorce?

Will the Navy provide me representation for my divorce case? A. No. Since state laws vary, a Navy attorney can give you general advice about separation and divorce procedures, about custody and visitation rights and obligations, and advise you on how to find an attorney who can represent you.

How long do you have to be married in the military to get alimony?

ten years

How much alimony does a military wife get?

Military Status and Spousal Support Awards In other words, a spouse’s military service won’t determine whether you are entitled to alimony in your divorce. Federal military laws don’t set guidelines on alimony awards, although a veteran can’t be ordered to pay more than 50% of his or her income toward support.

What is the 20/20 rule for military?

Scenario 1: The ” Rule You are eligible for TRICARE as your own sponsor under your own Social Security Number as long as you meet the following criteria: 20 – Your sponsor has at least 20 years of creditable service towards determining retirement pay.

Can I keep my ex wife on my Tricare?

The former spouse only remains eligible for TRICARE if he or she meets certain criteria. If not, the former spouse stays eligible up until the day the divorce is final. The sponsor and eligible children have 90 days after the divorce to change their TRICARE health plan, if they choose.

Is adultery illegal in the US military?

On one hand, the military decided long ago that adultery was a threat to discipline, and it is illegal under military law, punishable by reprimand, dismissal and, rarely, prison. But it is common, even if it is not nearly as overt as it was a few decades ago.