How much does a contested divorce cost in Virginia?

How much does a contested divorce cost in Virginia?

The approximate cost of a contested divorce generally fluctuates between $12,000 and $28,000. Costs greatly depend on which of the five grounds the divorce is being filed on, and in turn, the amount of evidence required. Additionally, the cost can double if children are involved in the divorce.

Should a woman have a woman divorce lawyer?

Yes, in many areas of the State, that favoritism is usually based upon familiarity more than gender. Thus, it is your lawyer’s experience in the Courtroom that matters more to the judge than gender. Some lawyers work better with men, others work better with women.

What do I need to take to my divorce consultation?

Bring with you information that demonstrates the employment of you and your spouse or partner, including tax returns, notices of assessment, and pay slips. In order for your family lawyer to advise you adequately about they will need to know all assets and liabilities held by each of you individually and jointly.

What should I look for in a family lawyer?

Here are a few tips to keep in mind when choosing the best family lawyer for you:Start Looking As Early As Possible. Ask Around or Check Reviews. Meet Your Lawyer. Personal Compatibility. Accessibility. Look For Warning Signs. Don’t Let Cost Be The Only Factor.