Is it better to keep the house in a divorce?

Is it better to keep the house in a divorce?

But Jenkin says there’s a trap the remaining parent, usually a mother, should be aware of. “Most women negotiate for the home rather than cash and then find themselves house-rich and cash-poor once child support and alimony run out, so it’s best to plan for that if you decide to keep the home,” Jenkin says.

How do you protect yourself when your wife wants a divorce?

How to Protect Yourself During DivorceIf you have children, consider staying in the family home. Don’t allow your spouse to take the children and leave. Get an attorney. Safeguard personal papers and make copies of important records. Cancel all jointly-owned credit cards. Make a record of all marital property.

How do you fight spousal support?

This is the most common way that a spouse can fight alimony – when another spouse lies about their married standard of living. When a spouse is required to pay alimony that he or she believes is unfair, an attorney can request reconsideration by the court.