What is the luckiest month to be born in?

What is the luckiest month to be born in?

Some studies say that the babies with the lowest birth weight are born in May — chalk it up to the lower amounts of vitamin D in the womb during a winter pregnancy. A study done in the U.K. showed that May is the luckiest month to be born, and October is the unluckiest.

Do you get married on the hour or half hour?

Chinese tradition states that a bride and groom should marry on the half-hour, not on the hour so that they begin their married life when the hands of the clock are moving up and not down.

How much should you give your son for a wedding gift?

Avoid giving less than $150 because that is the average amount spent on gifts by the “regular” guests. Close family, of course, should spend more than friends and distant relatives. There is no maximum amount but try not to be too generous if your son doesn’t feel comfortable with that.

Is $500 too much for a wedding gift?

At your age people would much rather have money the registry gifts (people return all those gifts anyways). $1k is too much. $500 is very generous.

What do I tell my son on his wedding day?

Yes, I love you comes with a flood of memories. (I miss those days.) I can open my eyes to see you today – a young man I’m so proud of and extremely happy for. a lifetime that’s unfolded before me and one I’ve had the honor to be a part of.

How much money do I give at a wedding?

The average wedding gift amount hovers right around $100, which is a great place to start, and you can increase or decrease that based on how close you are. If you’re very close or related to the couple (and have the wiggle room in your budget), you may choose to spend more—about $150 per guest (or $200 from a couple).

Is $50 a good wedding gift?

How much should I spend on a wedding gift? If you’re a coworker or a distant friend, the minimum wedding gift amount you can get away with is $50 to $75. If everything left on the registry is over your budget of $50 to $75, it’s a good idea to get the couple a gift card to one of the stores where they registered.

Is $300 a good wedding gift?

Upon consulting the experts, a wedding gift should range from $75 to $750—but most agree that $300+ is the sweet spot.

Is it tacky to write a check for a wedding gift?

Tucking cash or a check inside a card and bringing it to the wedding reception is still totally acceptable though—but if you bring a check, it needs to be made out correctly. They’ll either have to ask you to reissue the check or write a thank-you card for a gift they’ll never use—it’s a lose-lose for the whole gang.

Can you address a check to Mr and Mrs?

For example, if paying a married couple, address the couple as “Mr. and Mrs. John Doe” instead of “Jane Doe and John Doe.” If the couple is married but keeping distinct last names, or if the two payees are linked by business purposes, you will need to enter both their full names.

How do you address a bride and groom in a check?

If you don’t think it will offend the couple, the safest option is to address the check to the member of the couple you feel closest to. If you’re unsure of whether or not that person will be changing their last name, use their maiden name, or the last name they had before the wedding.

What color should mother of groom wear?

What Color Should the Mother of the Groom Wear? It’s encouraged to steer clear of wearing white, blush or neutral hues that can look white on camera unless specifically approved by the bride. These shades may look similar to the bride’s wedding dress, and it’s always best to avoid any color mishaps.