Can I get alimony if my husband is on Social Security?

Can I get alimony if my husband is on Social Security?

Social security benefits are considered income and are not considered an asset. Also, social security income can provide a reason to award alimony to the other spouse. Most everyone knows and agrees that divorces require former spouses to undergo a significant amount of change in their lives.

Does Social Security count as income in a divorce?

Under federal law, Social Security benefits may not be divided as community or marital property upon divorce. Unlike other assets, a person does not “buy” Social Security benefits or otherwise acquire them in a transaction.

Does a working spouse get alimony?

If the woman is earning: Even if the woman is working and there is a substantial difference between her and her husband’s net worth, she will still be granted alimony to provide for the same living standards as her husband’s. It can be raised and lowered as per the changes in husband’s salary.