Can a mother lose custody for dating a felon?

Can a mother lose custody for dating a felon?

While dating a felon does not automatically mean you will lose custody of your child, the child’s other parent can use it as an argument against you in court. The child’s other parent may argue that the child is in danger due to your dating partner, or that the fact you are dating a felon makes you an unfit parent.

How do you prove your ex is an unfit parent?

How Does a Family Court Determine If a Parent Is Unfit?A history of child abuse. A history of substance abuse. A history of domestic violence. The parent’s ability to make age-appropriate decisions for a child. The parent’s ability to communicate with a child. Psychiatric concerns. The parent’s living conditions. The child’s opinion.

What is it called when one parent talks bad about another parent?

When this syndrome occurs, a divorced or divorcing parent seeks to punish the other parent, sometimes going far enough as to harm or deprive their children in order to make the other parent look bad. Though most commonly called malicious mother syndrome, both mothers and fathers can be capable of such actions.

When a parent turns a child against the other parent?

Parental alienation syndrome, a term coined in the 1980s by child psychiatrist Dr. Richard A. Gardner, occurs when one parent attempts to turn the couple’s children against the other parent.

Why do mothers alienate fathers?

What Drives Parental Alienation Behaviors? Usually, the alienator’s motive is to “get back” at their spouse, who they may see as having hurt them by divorcing them—even if, in fact, the alienator was the one who initiated the divorce. Another motive can be jealousy, especially when the ex-spouse remarries.

Can I sue my ex for parental alienation?

However, in extreme cases, a parent who has been alienated from his children by the other parent may bring a civil action for damages against that parent if the claims of alienation include false accusations of sexual abuse or otherwise lying to a child about one of their parents.