Do you include ex wife in obituary?

Do you include ex wife in obituary?

Most obituaries include the deceased’s current spouse in the list of survivors, but don’t mention any ex-spouses, as they are not typically considered current family.

What are words of comfort at a funeral?

Remind your loved one of fond memories with the person who passed to show how much they were loved. “We all need help during difficult times, I am here for you.” This simple condolence will let your loved one know that it is okay to rely on the help of others during this difficult time.

Who sits in the front row at a funeral?

Funeral Seating Guidelines The front rows are reserved for close relatives. If you are a member of the immediate family and there are step-parents or step-siblings, you must take into account where everyone will sit. It’s easy to unknowingly slight someone because he or she was cast aside.

What does a female wear to a funeral?

Most common funeral etiquette practices for women to wear include a dark or black skirt suit or pantsuit; a skirt of appropriate length or pants and a top with sleeves, a blouse, or a sweater; flats or pumps. In some cultures, and religions women wear hats to funerals.

Who rides in the family car for a funeral?

Best friends, close cousins, and other members of the deceased’s ‘chosen family’ now have a place in formal funeral arrangements, which may include the funeral limousine. In general, those who handled the funeral arrangements themselves are the ones who take the place of honor in the limo.