How do I change my last name after divorce in Massachusetts?

How do I change my last name after divorce in Massachusetts?

To change your name legally as an adult in Massachusetts, you need to go through a court name change proceeding. Names can also be changed as part of an adoption, divorce, or sometimes a parentage judgment. If you get married, Massachusetts law allows you to adopt any surname (last name).

Why does the wife take the husband’s name?

The tradition of women changing their last names to match their husbands’ has its origins in the property transfer that took place upon marriage, Scheuble said. Essentially, women went from being part of their parents’ family to becoming their husbands’ property. “It’s turned over to normative tradition.”

Can I be forced to change my name after divorce?

Getting a name change after divorce reverses the tradition of a married couple having the same name. For many people, this is a significant part of the separation process. However, names are not legal property and no one can be forced to use or to stop using their ex-partner’s name.