How do you know if your ex is using you?

How do you know if your ex is using you?

If your ex is currently only interested in talking about herself and what she’s doing, but doesn’t give a damn about you and your life, it’s likely that she’s using you as her sounding board (i.e. because you’re familiar to her). As a result, you end up getting friend-zoned or acting like her therapist.

Can you ever get back with your first love?

Going through a breakup is always difficult, but going through a separation with your first true love can often times become one of the most challenging moment of someone’s life.

How do you deal with a breakup when you still love them?

How To Deal With Breaking Up With Someone You Still LoveAccept that love isn’t enough. Realize it’s not your fault. Sponsored: The best dating/relationships advice on the web. Think about what’s best for you. Build some support first. Set aside some post-breakup time. Grab some tissues and have the talk. Stay away as much as possible.