How does child support get split between two mothers?

How does child support get split between two mothers?

When calculating the multi-case costs, use the parent’s adjusted taxable income for the child support case, less the self-support amount and less the relevant dependent child amount (where appropriate). divide this amount by the total number of the parent’s child support children.

Does Child Support consider mortgage?

So, it seems only logical that the child support instalments can at least contribute to your mortgage repayments. The good news is that most lenders will consider child maintenance as income, but only in the following circumstances: The child must be under the age of 13.

Does Child Support decrease as a child gets older?

And as the child gets older, the amount can be reduced to zero. If the parenting time changes, this can result in a different amount of support. If your child starts to live with the other parent for more or less time. At times, it may even mean that you receive child support payments instead of paying them.