Is NH A 50/50 divorce state?

Is NH A 50/50 divorce state?

New Hampshire is an equitable distribution state, which divides property based on a judge’s determination of what’s fair under the circumstances of each case. Community property states, on the other hand, allocate property between spouses as close to 50-50 as possible.

How is furniture divided in divorce?

Take turns saying which item you want from the list. Once you or your spouse reaches half of the value of the list, the remaining items go to the other spouse. You and your spouse can also divide the property into what you agree are two piles of equal value. Then, flip a coin.

How is property settlement calculated in a divorce?

How to calculate a fair settlementMake a list of assets and liabilities.Assess the initial contributions of each party.Consider the length of the relationship.Determine whether or not any assets or liabilities should go together or in separate pools.Deduct the liabilities from the assets to get the total property pool.