Should I tell my girlfriend I kissed someone else?

Should I tell my girlfriend I kissed someone else?

You should never tell her or anyone else. No matter who you kissed if it was a one time thing then no don’t ever tell anyone. Someone you tell might tell someone else and it can go all over town and back to her. No matter who you kissed if it was a one time thing then no don’t ever tell anyone.

Is it cheating if you kiss your best friend?

Again, thank you. If you would break up with her over kissing a guy, what difference does it make that she kissed a girl? She still kissed someone in a non platonic way while in a relationship with you. Kissing someone from the same gender doesn’t automatically make it not cheating.

Is hugging cheating?

Hugging. Hugging someone else doesn’t count as cheating in itself. However, if a hug continues longer than is necessary and you are pulling together in a tight embrace that symbolizes a more intimate physical attraction, it could be lightly classed as cheating of sorts.

Can you kiss a girl who has a boyfriend?

If you kiss her- you’re disrespecting yourself, her, her boyfriend, and her relationship. So no. Do not kiss her. If she’s flirting with other guys and he doesn’t know, that relationship will only last as long as the deception.

Is hugging flirting?

Sharing a caress within a hug makes it romantic. It can also be a sign of comfort for someone who is upset, but that usually involves a gentle rubbing of the head or arm. When this caress is made on the lower back or chest, it is likely romantic in nature.

What do guys feel when a girl hugs them?

Guys love to pamper their girl and make them feel loved. Whether you’re wrapped up in the arms of your partner or greeting someone, hugs have a way of making us feel fuzzy and warm inside. Guys want their girl to say things going on in their mind but can’t gather the courage. But don’t worry guys, we have your back!

Can cuddling be platonic?

Except for the boyfriend (the cuddle positions also different with him, more like spooning), they are all totally platonic.