What are major decisions in joint custody?

What are major decisions in joint custody?

Joint legal custody means that both parents have the legal authority to make major decisions for the child. 1 These include decisions regarding education, religion, and health care. Parents should be aware, too, that legal custody is separate from physical custody.

What is the difference between joint custody and joint physical custody?

Physical custody refers to where the child will primarily live and which parent will care for them on a daily basis. In other cases the parties share “joint physical custody” and share equal parenting time. The second type of custody, legal custody, refers to the parent’s right to make decisions on the child’s behalf.

When would social services remove a child?

The court can authorise removal of children for up to 8 days under an Emergency Protection Order. Apart from when police using their emergency powers of protection, any removal of your child from your care by social services must be either agreed by you or approved by a court.

What is the difference between a child in need plan and a child protection plan?

A child in need plan operates under section 17 of The Children Act 1989 and doesn’t have statutory framework for the timescales of the intervention. A child protection plan operates under section 47 of The Children Act 1989, and happens when a child is regarded to be suffering, or likely to suffer, significant harm.

Can I refuse a child in need plan?

Consent. Specialist Children’s Services works with children in need and their families on the basis of consent. If parents refuse consent after the Social Worker has made sure that they have been given full information about the benefits of assessment and support, this refusal should be accepted and recorded.

Can I tell social services to go away?

Some have asked ” can I tell social services to go away ” – If you tell them to go away, they won’t and you will end up in Court and there is then the risk that your children really will be removed. Be Honest.

What is the difference between a section 17 and 47 in the Children’s Act?

It explains the definition of a child in need, the assessment process and child in need plans and the types of services available. Section 17 Children Act 1989 support for more complex needs. Action under section 47 if there is reasonable cause to suspect that a child is suffering or likely to suffer significant harm.