How do I change my resume after being a stay at home mom?

How do I change my resume after being a stay at home mom?

Follow these steps when updating your resume after a career break to raise your children:Start with a summary statement. Start your resume with a summary of your previous work experience. Reverse chronological order. Include skills section. Don’t forget your education.

What do you put on a resume if you haven’t worked in years?

How To Write A Resume When You Havent Worked For Years?Use a Functional or Skills Based Format. The first must for anyone creating a resume with periods of unemployment is to switch from a chronological resume format to a functional or skills based format. Show Reasons for Unemployment. Self Employment Lessons. Focus on Education. Focus on Skills. Include Volunteer Work.

How do I get a job after 10 years not working?

Here are eight suggestions to consider if you need a job but haven’t job searched in years:Start with some research. Update your resume. Use your network. Treat your job search like a full-time gig. Hone your skills. Embrace flexibility. Offer meaningful ideas to potential employers.Weitere Einträge…•