What is the difference between a simplified dissolution of marriage and a dissolution of marriage?

What is the difference between a simplified dissolution of marriage and a dissolution of marriage?

What is a simplified divorce? In Florida divorce is known as \u201cDissolution of Marriage.\u201d A \u201cSimplified Dissolution Procedure\u201d is a procedure people can use to get divorced in Florida if they have no other issues for the court to decide other than their divorce: no children and no property to be divided.

How long does a simplified dissolution of marriage take?

Simplified Dissolution of Marriage ‘ Couples can use this to get a quick divorce, about 30 days from filing to finalization, as long as they have complete agreement on the terms of the divorce and it’s uncontested.

Who gets the house in a Florida divorce?

Florida operates under the laws of “equitable distribution,” which essentially means property acquired during the marriage belongs to the spouse who earned it, and during a divorce all assets and liabilities are to be divided between the spouses in a fair and equitable manner.