Do you use comma after nevertheless?

Do you use comma after nevertheless?

Use a comma after certain adverbs: however, in fact, therefore, nevertheless, moreover, furthermore, still, instead, too (meaning ‘also’). Example: Therefore, he didn’t say a word. If these adverbs appear in the middle of a sentence, they are enclosed in commas.

Which of the following is used to connect related independent clauses?


What is difference between dependent and independent clause?

According to the Purdue OWL, an independent clause is “a group of words that contains a subject and verb and expresses a complete thought.” A dependent clause is “a group of words that contains a subject and verb but does not express a complete thought.”

How do you identify an independent clause?

Independent Clause Defined

  1. They have a subject – they tell the reader what the sentence is about.
  2. They have an action or predicate – they tell the reader what the subject is doing.
  3. They express a complete thought – something happened or was said.

What kind of sentence contains two independent clauses?


Is there a comma between two independent clauses?

Thus, it can separate two independent clauses by itself; a comma cannot separate two independent clauses unless it is followed by a coordinating conjunction (FANBOYS).

What are the three types of compound sentences?

Three methods of forming compound sentences

  • with a coordinating conjunction (one of the fanboys);
  • with a semicolon; or.
  • with a semicolon and a transitional expression.

Which words are used in compound sentences?

What is a compound sentence?

  • Use a comma and a coordinating conjunction. Coordinating conjunctions join independent clauses. They are: for, and, nor, but, or, yet, and so.
  • Use a semicolon. Sentences should follow this structure:
  • Use a semicolon and a conjunctive adverb. A conjunctive adverb is a type of transition.

How do you practice complex sentences?

Constructing complex sentences There are three main ways to join clauses to make complex sentences. By using: relative pronouns – that, which, who, whose. conjunctions (subordinating) – while, because, although, as, when, until, unless, through, by, since, whenever, if, where, before, etc.

What is a combining sentence examples?

Here are some examples of sentences with the same subjects, combined into one sentence: Original Sentences: John graduated from high school. He aced all of his classes. Combined Sentence: John graduated from high school and aced all of his classes.

What are two run on sentence mistakes?

A run-on sentence is a common error caused by merging two sentences without suitable punctuation. The most common run-on sentence is the “comma splice” (also known as the “comma fault”), which occurs when two sentences are inappropriately separated by a comma.

What are run ons sentences?

A run-on sentence occurs when two or more independent clauses (also known as complete sentences) are connected improperly. A comma splice occurs when two independent clauses are joined with just a comma. …

What’s a comma splice example?

When you join two independent clauses with a comma and no conjunction, it’s called a comma splice. Some people consider this a type of run-on sentence, while other people think of it as a punctuation error. Here’s an example of a comma splice: Koala bears are not actually bears, they are marsupials.

How do you fix a fragment sentence?

Three Ways to Turn a Fragment into a Complete Sentence

  1. Attach. Attach the fragment to a nearby complete sentence. Incorrect: I forgot to eat breakfast.
  2. Revise. Revise the fragment by adding whatever is missing – subject, verb, complete thought.
  3. Rewrite. Rewrite the fragment or the entire passage that contains the fragment.

What is fragment and give examples?

A fragment is a group of words that does not express a complete thought. It is not a complete sentence, but it could be a phrase. Examples of Fragment: the boy on the porch. to the left of the red car.

How do you know if a sentence is a fragment?

Without a complete thought, a phrase is considered a sentence fragment even if it contains both a subject and a verb. As an independent clause, a complete sentence must stand on its own. When the full thought is not expressed because either the subject or the verb is missing, you have a sentence fragment.

How do you check if a sentence is a fragment?

A fragment resembles a sentence in two ways. Both groups of words begin with a capital letter and conclude with an end mark—usually a period ( . ) but sometimes a question mark ( ? ) or an exclamation point ( ! ). The one important difference is that a fragment does not contain a main clause.

What kind of fragment is near the computer?


Is a command a complete sentence?

Linguists, who try to make rules that work across all languages, certainly consider commands to be complete sentences. Provided they’re grammatical imperatives, yes, they’re complete sentences. Imperatives and Interrogatives are different kinds of sentences, but not incomplete.